Real Talk

Privilege and Oppression

June 23, 2023 Dr. Africa Rainey Season 2 Episode 5

Today we explore two forces in this world that have shaped the entire planet. They are responsible for maintaining systems of domination, exploitation, trauma, violence and powerlessness. They are intertwined with one another and require each other to maintain itself. These forces are Privilege and Oppression. On today’s episode we’ll be exploring each of these forces and learn to understand how they are connected and sustain one another. We’ll also discuss ways each of us can begin to become more aware of how the forces of privilege and oppression shape our lives as individuals and as a society.
Thank you Epidemic Sound for the amazing artists:
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McIntosh, P. (1989). White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Psychology - UMBC. Retrieved June 22, 2023, from

O'Connor, P., & Heldke, L. M. (2004). Oppression, Privilege, and Resistance: Theoretical Perspectives on Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism (P. O'Connor & L. M. Heldke, Eds.). McGraw-Hill.