Real Talk

Coming out

October 16, 2022 Dr. Africa Rainey Season 1 Episode 9

On today’s episode we’ll be discussing coming out in relation to both gender and sexuality. Also, steps you can take if you’re considering coming out. Our daily lives, activities and relationships are so heavily influenced by gender and sexuality. Should we decide to deviate from gender and sexual societal norms and beliefs, then we must “announce it” to the people we care about, are related to and are employed by. We must ‘come out’ over and over again throughout our lives as we meet new people and have new experiences. Coming out can be a stressful and even dangerous process which will continue as long as we hold restrictive views around gender and sexuality.

A special thank you to the incredible artists from Epidemic Sound:

Craig Reever 





Heinemann, Joseph & Atallah, Sandrine & Rosenbaum, Talli. (2016). The Impact of Culture and Ethnicity on Sexuality and Sexual Function. Current Sexual Health Reports. 8. 10.1007/s11930-016-0088-8.

Jankowiak, William R., Shelly L. Volsche, and Justin R. Garcia. “Is the Romantic–Sexual Kiss a Near Human Universal?” American Anthropologist. N.p., 06 July 2015. Web. 24 May 2017

Tavitis. M., Perez, E.O., (2019) Language influences mass opinion toward gender and LGBT equality. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Retrieved Oct 10, 2022 from:

The Trevor Project coming out PDF for LGBT+ youth

Sylvia Rivera Speech “Y'all better quiet down”