Real Talk

Subconscious (Unconscious) Bias

August 08, 2022 Dr. Africa Rainey Season 1 Episode 7

Episode 7 Subconscious (Unconscious) bias

In previous episodes we talked about being a diversity ally by addressing various types of behaviors, and ideas that can create feelings of fear and being stuck in one’s life which can limit one’s potential. Diversity brings variation and a different lens with which to view the world which can enrich one’s life and understanding of one’s self. We talked about the messages and conditioning in the form of social constructs we’ve all received in order to bring about a certain way of perceiving the world that causes pain not only within oneself but in one’s relationships with others and ways to begin to change in order to bring about healing. Today we continue that discussion by addressing something called subconscious bias. When we hold ideas, opinions or beliefs of others out of our awareness and those beliefs influence how you interact or experience others then you may hold unconscious, implicit or subconscious bias.. Subconscious bias, implicit and unconscious bias are often used interchangeably. 


Eberhardt, J. (2020). Biased. Windmill Books.

Thank you to Epidemic music with the

following artists:

Craig Reever


Dylan Sitts

Nbhd Nick