Real Talk


July 22, 2022 Dr. Africa Rainey Season 1 Episode 6

Empathy and emotion researcher and author Karla Mclaren defines empathy as “a social and emotional skill that helps us feel and understand the emotions, circumstances, intentions, thoughts, and needs of others, such that we can offer sensitive, perceptive and appropriate communication and support” (end quote)

The word Empathy is a translation of the German word Einfuhlung (EIN-fhoo-loong), which means “feeling into”, and refers to our capacity to deeply connect to an object like a piece of art or music, a person, or experience with meaning or emotions. Einfuhlung allows us to see empathy as a way of interacting with the world on a deeper, emotional level.   

Empathy is the area in between spoken language. It is the realm of emotional, cultural, gestural, interactional sub-textual information consisting of a richness of nuance. As a Counseling Psychologist, this space is a treasure trove of unspoken, beautifully eloquent and rich hidden information. Words themselves are grossly limited and can be consciously changed in order to hide true intent or feeling.  Non-verbal language however, is often out of the conscious awareness of the individual and is always the most accurate in unveiling an individual's Authentic Self.  

Brown, B. (2008). I thought it was just me (but it isn’t) : making the journey from “What will people think?” to “I am enough.” Avery, An Imprint Of Penguin Random House.

Mclaren, K. (2013). The art of empathy : a complete guide to life’s most essential skill. Sounds True, Inc.