Real Talk

The Wisdom of our Wounds

May 15, 2022 Dr. Africa Rainey Season 1 Episode 4

An emotional wound is very similar to a physical wound, the only difference being, you cannot see it. You can feel it and that feeling gives it life and breath. It can be sometimes difficult to accept what we cannot see as being in existence, but consider, we can feel the wind, we can feel love, we can feel chemistry, we can look around us and see how it envelops itself and transforms our lives through our life choices. Wounds are also very powerful and often unconscious creators in our lives. In order to change our lives, we must begin to use their wisdom to help increase our feelings of worthiness and peace. This process begins with acknowledging the existence of our wounds. Similar to the body experiencing physical pain when it is wounded, our emotional selves experience emotional pain. This emotional aspect of ourselves is driven to heal these wounds just like our bodies through the filter of experiences we have with ourselves and others in our lives.